College Students' Alcohol Consumption Habits, Perceptions, Readiness to Change and Exposure to a Brief Information Based Intervention
The current study sought to compare the effectiveness of two brief information based interventions. The first exposed to participants information regarding accurate social norms college student alcohol consumption and a second which focused on information regarding the effects of alcohol on the brain and body. The effectiveness of the interventions was investigated by comparing initial scores on the Readiness to Change scale (RTC; Rollnick et al. 1992) to scores on the same scale after a two week follow up. It was hypothesized that the groups who received the intervention would both show significant increases in scores on the contemplative and action subscales of the RTC scale and decreases in pre-contemplative score in comparison to the control group. The results found that there was a significant reduction in scores on the precontemplative subscale of the RTC scale in the social norms group, but no other significant differences between baseline and follow up were found. Perceptions of student drinking habits were also compared to the drinking habits of the owners of those perceptions. Results found that the amount of drinks participants perceived the typical student to consume per week was significantly correlated with reports of the number of drinks which an individual reported themselves to be consuming and the number which they reported their best friend to be imbibing per week. Perceptions and habits were recorded using the Drinking Norms Rating form (DRNF; Baer at al. 1991) and the Daily Drinking Questionnaire (DDQ: Collins, Parks & Marlatt, 1985). Additionally significant differences in perceptions of the physiological effects of consuming alcohol were found according to self reported weekly drinking totals. Individuals who reported moderate-heavy levels (defined as 13-19 drinks in a typical week) of drinking were significantly less accurate in their perceptions of the physiological effects of alcohol than moderate drinkers (6-12 drinks in a typical week), according to a scale created by the researchers (BCBDS; Boudreau & Grahn, 2013). ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 5 Introduction Alcohol use on college and university campuses in the United States is not only identified as a major public health concern by the U.S. Surgeon General and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) but has also been the object of much scientific research such as the work done by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). Even with all the attention turned towards alcohol use the culture of consumption in institutions of higher learning is something which has proved difficult to alter. These universities and colleges exist within the culture of the United States which has been familiar with the use of alcohol since its beginnings and prior to them. The ensuing pages will contain a brief history of alcohol use in antiquity and in the United States. The development of the modern American disease model of alcoholism and its relation to clinical diagnoses will be examined. Additionally there will be an investigation alcohol’s effects on the brain and body as the perceptions of these effects in college students is a focus of the current study. This introduction will also review some of the literature on the influence of perceptions of social norms in alcohol consumption. Lastly different methods of intervening with risky college student alcohol consumption will be reviewed including exposure of information regarding accurate social norms of drinking behavior. There is some evidence which suggests that the intoxicating beverage known as alcohol has been in use in human culture and society for thousands of years. In the ancient Mesopotamian civilization the code of Hammurabi, put in place around 1700 B.C., laid down specific laws on the prices, quantity and distribution of alcohol by tavern keepers. (Mandelbaum, 1965) In record history it seems that the cultivation of alcoholic beverages coincided with the burgeoning of advanced civilization: “The appearance of beer has been regarded by some as an ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 6 indicator of social complexity—the rather prosaic knowledge of brewing being regarded as a sign of civilized behavior” (Joffe, 1998, p. 297). So it seems that in many human societies which have become “civilized”, alcohol has played a role, and its use needed to be regulated. There are passages from the Old and New Testaments of the Bible which warn against the immoderate use of wine. In the United State in the 19 century there were many movements aimed at combating the problematic use of alcohol. Alcoholic beverages had become common place in the early 19 century for reasons having simply to do with health and the availability of clean and safe beverages: Americans drank because they believed that, when taken in moderate doses alcohol was not only safe but actually beneficial to their health. Water was held in low regard as a beverage, even when it was clean it was thought to no nutritional or digestive value. The supply of milk was inconsistent and extremely perishable. Beer did not keep well and wine was uncommon. Coffee and tea were expensive, whereas whiskey was pure, pleasurable and in the 1820s cost twenty five cents per gallon. (Pegram, 1998, p.9) The use of whiskey began with those individuals who worked outside and found that it warded off the cold, but soon its use moved into the taverns and saloons where working class men found masculine companionship and relief from dangerous jobs and crowded tenements (Pegram, 1998, p. 104). By the dawn of the 20 century saloons had become associated with crime and social disorder. Many temperance movements including the one promoted by the Women’s Christian’s Temperence Union (WTCU) fought against the saloon culture in which many men were drinking heavily and causing marital and familial problems. These efforts culminated in the passing of the eighteenth amendment prohibiting of all alcoholic beverages, deemed as America’s noble experiment. Thirteen years after its passage, the twenty-first amendment to the ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 7 United States constitution repealed the sanctions of the eighteenth. Prohibition did not work, a nation founded in liberty did not respond so kindly to having its rights taken away. In the years following the repeal of prohibition the moral stance towards abusers of alcohol gave way to a conception of alcoholism as a disease. According to Miller and Sanchez (1994) this disease model was welcomed by the public because it removed stigma from alcoholics. Those who were previously viewed as sinful under a moral model were now seen as sick and treatable. The disease conception may have its value in providing treatment for those individuals who have been diagnosed with alcohol problems, however, the distinct criteria for meeting these diagnoses seemed to create a sort of black and white dichotomy between alcoholic and not. Jellinek (1960), cited in Miller and Sanchez (1994), argues that an overextension of the American disease conception of alcoholism would undermine social sanctions against intoxication. Social sanctions against alcohol consumption have been removed because it is not the public’s job to determine who is using in a problematic fashion; it is the task of professionals. It seems as though the model has persisted into the present day. The APA’s (American Psychological Association) fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual published in 1994 has specific criteria for the diagnosis of problematic alcohol use. An individual will only be diagnosed as in need of treatment or support if a licensed clinician deems them to meet the sufficient conditions to be classified as abusing or dependent upon the substance of alcohol. Alcohol abuse and dependence are placed in the same manual which is used to diagnose various mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, dubbing a person who has a problem with alcohol as mentally ill. These diagnostic classifications, though intended to help identify those individuals who have a serious problem with their alcohol use and are in need of treatment, may ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 8 actually be contributing to unsafe use by those individuals who feel they are not in danger of meeting the criteria. The plans for the 5 version of the APA’s DSM hold hope for a movement away from the disease model of alcoholism. The new version proposes the replacing the two different diagnoses of dependence and abuse with a single alcohol use disorder continuum. This new diagnostic tool should be able to identify those individuals who may not have met the criteria for abuse or dependence but still has some problematic use of alcohol. A continuum should help to remove the dichotomy between alcoholic and not. A study by Hagman and Cohn (2011) of which type of criteria would better fit the college student population found that a single factor model as proposed by the DSM-V was a better fit than the two factor model proposed by the DSM-IV. In Hagman and Cohn’s study, a sample of 396 college students rated the severity of each individual criterion, e.g. tolerance, withdrawal and legal consequences. These ratings showed that the severity of the criteria was not equal to the abuse-dependence hierarchy and that a continuum which encompassed all the criteria from both DSM-IV factors may be more beneficial in providing diagnosis to more students. Though the changes in the APA’s DSM are a step towards a more encompassing conception of issues with alcohol, a dichotomous viewpoint toward alcoholism is currently persistent in American culture. The college setting seems to be unique in the permission of certain behaviors regarding alcohol use which may be seen as problematic in other settings. Lowinger (2012) found that college students perceive alcohol problems as significantly less serious than problems with other drugs and are significantly less willing to seek psychological treatment for issues relating to alcohol use. ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 9 Alcohol Related Problems on Campus There have been regulations associated with immoderate alcohol use since its initial cultivation in ancient societies. Problems relating to alcohol use persist to this day and the following section will briefly outline some of the harms which are specific to alcohol consumption on college campuses. These issues are valuable to in demonstrating the need for research on intervening with risky drinking college students. Vandalism. A 1991 study of 4,845 students from 68 colleges and universities found that one in ten students had engaged in vandalism while under the influence of alcohol in the past year and that nearly one quarter of heavy drinking students had engaged in vandalism (Engs and Hanson, 1994). It is not clear whether students damage property because they are drinking heavily or that those students who are more likely to vandalize are also more likely to drink heavily. Unprotected Sex. Kiene et al. (2009) found that alcohol consumption increased the likelihood of unprotected sex with casual but not steady partners. Academic Performance. In the college setting it has been found that heavy alcohol use is associated with certain academic problems such as missing an assignment or performing poorly on a test (Perkins 2002), however overall student grade point average (GPA) has not been found to be significantly correlated with drinking patterns (Paschall and Freisthler, 2003). Social Norms Theory Though there are many problems associated with alcohol use on college campuses, some students either do not see these problems as significant enough to change their behavior or may not be fully aware of them. The following section will investigate the well supported social norms theory which attempts to explain one of many influences on student alcohol consumption. ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 10 Social norms theories suggest that individuals are heavily influenced by what they perceive to be the norms of the groups which they identify with: “Indeed, norms can be powerful agents of control as “choices” of behavior are framed by these norms and as the course of behavior most commonly taken is typically in accordance with normative directives of “reference groups” that are most important to the individual” (Perkins 2002, p. 164). There is evidence for the influence of group norms in studies on conformity such as the experiment done by Solomon Asch in 1951, in which a participant was placed in a room with six confederates who all gave the incorrect answer about the length of a line. Participants were found to also give that incorrect answer even if they knew it was incorrect. Evidences such as these can show us that perceived social norms can be powerful things, even if an individual student may have some reservations about consuming alcohol or consuming in excess, they may quiet these reservations in submission to the perceived norms. Perkins (2002) found that peer norms were better predictors of undergraduate alcohol consumption than parental influences, perceived faculty norms, residential advisor norms, or lingering religious sentiments. This evidence places peer norms as one of the strongest predictors of consumption among undergraduates. Lewis and Neighbors (2004) studied the perceptions of gender specific drinking norms as compared to reported drinking norms in 115 men and 111 women. Their results demonstrated that as previously found by (Perkins & Berkowitz, 1986 cited in Lewis and Neighbors, 2004), students overestimated the frequency and quantity of drinking by their non-gender specific and gender specific peers. They found that perceived same-sex norms were greater predictors of drinking behavior for women than for men. Halim, Hasking and Allen (2012) investigated the relationship between perceived social norms and alcohol consumption. They gave electronic surveys to 229 university students and ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 11 found that those individuals who drank at higher levels were more likely to perceive others as drinking at higher levels. The researchers also found that high risk drinkers were less likely to perceive the typical student having 4 or fewer drinks at a bar. These perceptions by high risk drinkers did not fit with reports that 46% of the respondents in the Halim, Hasking and Allen (2012) study reported having 3 or fewer drinks on a typical day in which they were drinking. Perkins and Craig (2012) found that student athletes’ perceptions of peer athlete consumption were heavily influential in individual consumption. A study of over four thousand student athletes from 15 different institutions found that student athletes tended to overestimate student drinking norms. The researchers also found that perception of the male student athlete drinking norm was the best predictor of drinks consumed for both genders. The perception of female student athlete drinking was also influential but not as influential that of the male. In the same study the authors also found that a campaign to provide accurate student drinking norms to student athletes was successful in reducing risky alcohol use among this population. There seems to be a common theme in many of the motivations for college student alcohol consumption and that theme could be described in the following way: perceived norms about alcohol’s effects and rates of consumption may be more influential than the actual rates of consumption and effects of alcohol. In terms of social norms, a student’s overestimation of the rate and frequency of consumption is more influential than the actual rates and frequencies. Health Effects of Alcohol To accurately gage if students are in fact misperceiving the effects of alcohol on the brain and body, in a similar way to that they are misperceiving the norms of peer drinking habits, it may be beneficial to review some of the literature pertaining to the effects of alcohol on physical and mental health. ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 12 Alcohol is lipid soluble, and therefore can easily pass across membranes in the human body. “Administered orally, alcohol flows into the stomach where about 20% of the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream through its lining; the remaining alcohol is absorbed through the lining of the small intestine” (Kuhn , Swartzwelder, and Wilson, 2008, p. 36). Once in the bloodstream the alcohol has free reign to travel to the brain. Alcohol’s effect on the central nervous system can be characterized as biphasic, with an initial stimulant phase followed by a longer sedative phase (Breedlove, Watson and Rosenweig, 2010). The drug accomplishes these two effects through its influence on a number of different neurotransmitter systems, including the GABA, short for gamma-aminobutyric acid, glutamate and dopamine systems. Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers which brain cells (neurons) use to communicate with one another. GABA is an important inhibitor; its effects are widespread throughout the central nervous system. When alcohol reaches its target site, the brain, it enhances the effects of GABA on the GABA receptors. These receptors are located on the synapses (connections) between neurons. Alcohol enhances the inhibitory actions of the GABA receptors in the prefrontal cortex an area of the brain known to be responsible for planning, decision making, and social moderation. By in effect turning off the mechanism which normally moderate individuals in their executive functioning alcohol is argued to reduce social inhibition (Vengeliene et al., 2008). Additionally, enhanced inhibition of GABA in the cerebellum can lead to an impairment of motor coordination associated with the overuse of alcohol. Along with its effects on the GABA neurotransmitter system, alcohol also has an effect on the dopamine system. The dopamine system includes the brain areas of the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area. Along with a sedated and disinhibited state, low doses ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 13 of alcohol can stimulate the dopamine pathway produce a mild euphoria (Breedlove, Watson and Rosenweig, 2010). This euphoria has been hypothesized to be a factor in the addictive nature of alcohol in humans. Animal models have shown that alcohol acutely affects neurons in the nucleus accumbens by increasing their firing rate (Brodie, 2002). This result has also been replicated in observations of the PET (positron emission tomography) studies in humans who were consuming alcohol (Boileau, 2003). In the long term, rodent studies have shown that chronic exposure to alcohol leads to an increase in dopamine uptake in neurons in the Nucleus Accumbens. This increase in dopamine uptake is hypothesized to be due to an increase in extracellular dopamine from chronic exposure to alcohol (Budygin et al., 2006). After having reviewed how alcohol produces certain effects in the brain it may be valuable to investigate the effects of alcohol misuse on the developing brain of young adults, as this is the population of interest in the present study. The human brain continues its development into early adulthood. One specific area that is particularly late in development is the prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain which is responsible for judgment and inhibitory control. In the human cerebral cortex there seems to be a net loss of synapses from late childhood until midadolescence. This synaptic remodeling is evident in thinning of grey matter in the cortex as pruning of dendrites and axon terminals progresses (dendrites and axon terminals are the components which form connections between cells in the brain). The thinning process continues in a caudal-rostral (back to front) direction during maturation so the prefrontal cortex is affected last. Since the prefrontal cortex is important for inhibiting behavior, this delayed brain maturation may contribute to teenager’s impulsivity and lack of control. (Breedlove, Watson and Rosenweig, 2010) These impulsive traits in adolescents and young adults may make it more likely for them to abuse alcohol if it is available. Excessive alcohol use by adolescents can have a ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 14 negative impact on brain structures causing important short and long term cognitive and behavioral consequences. The incomplete development of the pre-frontal cortex could contribute to some young adults’ impulsivity, lack of concern for negative consequences, sensation seeking and risk taking. These behaviors and tendencies related to development are possible contributors to the initiation and continued risky use of alcohol: “the relatively late development of the PFC circuits involved in judgment and inhibitory control may underlie the propensity of adolescents to impulsivity and to the ignore the negative consequences of their behavior, both of which could increase the risk of substance abuse” (Alfonso-Loeches & Guerri 2011). The adolescent and young adult brains are also particularly susceptible to alcohol’s toxicity at a neural level. Studies show reduced volumes in the hippocampus, a brain area related to learning and memory, in adolescents who began drinking at an early age. The effects of alcohol on learning and memory have been documented by a number of scientific studies. The following are specific to college-aged individuals. Sanhueza, GarciaMoreno and Exposito (2011) found that Spanish moderate and heavy drinkers aged about 19 years performed similarly to a group of elderly non drinkers (average age of 69) on a series of neuropsychological tests (including tasks that measure memory and executive functioning). These same Spanish moderate and heavy drinkers performed worse on the neuropsychological tests than their non-drinking age matched peers. Another study by Hartley, Elsabagh and File (2004) found that binge drinking British University students aged 18-23 performed worse than non-drinking controls in tests of sustained attention, episodic memory and planning ability. Mental Health. Hartley, Elsabagh and File (2004) also found that the British binge drinkers also had higher levels of self rated anxiety and depression as compared the non-drinking controls. ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 15 The relationship between alcohol use and anxiety and depression is important to investigate as these are two relatively common mental illnesses for college students. Depression. Depression is an important issue for college students, because it is a mental illness which affects so many students. Studies have shown that about 30% of college students report that in at least one time in the last 12 months they felt so depressed that it was difficult to function while only 11% of students reported that they had been diagnosed with depression by a professional (NCHA 2011). These evidences point to a lack of support for students suffering from depression in the college setting and the prevalence of alcohol misuse may exacerbate depressive symptoms among students who drink. A study of 424 Boston area young adults found that 6.8 percent of respondents met diagnostic criteria for Major Depression (MD) and 8.2 percent met criteria for alcohol abuse. The researchers found that subjects who reported a history of alcohol abuse were four times more likely to have been diagnosed with depression than those individuals who did not report abusing alcohol (Deykin, Levy, & Wells 1987). The same study also found that the initiation of alcohol abuse tends to follow rather than precede the onset of depression. This evidence suggests a complicated relationship between alcohol and depression; and that individuals may be selfmedicating with alcohol. A study by Gorka, Ali and Daughters (2012) found that in a sample of 150 adults depressive symptoms were found to be associated with problematic alcohol use in individuals with low but not with high distress tolerances. Implications of this study for college aged students may be that individuals in a college setting who have a low tolerance for distress and are experiencing depressive symptoms, may be more likely to take part in problematic alcohol use. ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 16 Anxiety. Anxiety is another mental illness that is prevalent among college students. 6.6% of men and 14.5% of women report being diagnosed with anxiety by a professional (NCHA fall 2011). A study by Faulk et al. (2008) found that of the nine different major anxiety disorders, the phobias are likely to have an onset prior to an alcohol use disorder (AUD) in individuals who have been diagnosed with both of these disorders. This evidence suggests that in the case of social or specific phobias individuals may be using alcohol to self medicate or as a way of coping with the tension which arises for them in social situations. Battista, Macdonald and Stewart (2012) conducted a controlled experiment with socially anxious participants to investigate the extent to which alcohol played a role in their behavior in a social situation (answering the questions of a confederate). The researchers found that those individuals who were given alcohol were observed to spend more time talking than the participants in the noalcohol group. The confederates were also found to behave more warmly to those participants who drank alcohol, even though the confederates were also blind to the participant condition. Though time talking was just one of the four safety behaviors of typically anxious people which were coded for in observation of the participants, these results help to explain why socially anxious people may find alcohol useful in socially stressful situations. Generalized anxiety disorder, on the other hand, was found by Faulk et al. (2008), to be 4.6 times more likely to occur after, rather than before an AUD. In individuals with GAD the alcohol abuse may in fact play a causal or exacerbatory role in the development of GAD. There is some evidence that chronic alcohol abuse can play a role in affecting certain brain areas, such as the amygdala, which have been found to be associated with a person’s fear response (McCool, Christian, Diaz and Lack, 2010). Also individuals, who may have a genetic disposition for the ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 17 development of GAD, may increase their risk for its development by following along with what is perceived as a normal pattern of binge drinking, prevalent among college students Physical Health. Though alcohol is known as a mind altering substance, its effects are not limited to the central nervous system. The Liver. The liver breaks down most of the alcohol a person consumes. But the process of breaking alcohol down generates toxins even more harmful than alcohol itself. These byproducts damage liver cells, promote inflammation, and weaken the body’s natural defenses (NIAAA, 2010). Heavy drinking can cause fat to build up in the liver, and if the heavy drinking is continued over time it could lead to an inflammation of the liver which could inhibit its function. A study of patients in the United Kingdom, hospitalized with alcoholic liver disease, found that these individual’s drinking habits consisted of heavy drinking daily, or at least four times a week for a number of years (Hatton et al. 2009). The authors of this study found that these daily or almost daily drinking patterns were more frequent than the binge drinking habits of university students. From the point of view of a disease conception of alcoholism (explained further below) this connection between heavy daily drinking and liver disease minimizes the perceived risk of liver disease for the average binge drinking college student. However, it may be argued that this perceived lower risk may contribute to higher rates of binge drinking and problem drinking later in life. The immune system. Chronic heavy alcohol use has been found to impair white blood cell function, namely their ability to fight off harmful bacteria (NIAAA 2010). The chemical messengers used by white blood cells are also found to have their function affected by chronic alcohol use. Chronic alcohol abuse has also been linked to an increased susceptibility for infection of HIV/AIDS (Stinson 1992). It is unclear whether this increased susceptibility is ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 18 linked to an increase in probability for sexual interactions with casual partners or because of a weakened immune system but it is possible that it is a combination of the two. Some studies have shown that chronic alcohol abuse speeds the course of the HIV infection once an individual is infected (NIAAA, 2010). Cancer. According to the National Cancer Institute the consumption of alcohol is identified as a risk factor for mouth, esophagus, pharynx, larynx, liver and breast cancer. The cancer risk associated with alcohol misuse is often clouded because there are limited samples of individuals who use alcohol alone and who do not also smoke. However, one possible explanation for how alcohol may contribute to the development of certain cancers is given by the NIAAA (2010): Alcohol itself is not the primary trigger for cancer. We know that metabolizing, or breaking down, alcohol results in the release harmful toxins in the body. One of these toxins is called acetylaldehyde. Acetylaldehyde damages the genetic material in cells—and renders the cells incapable of repairing the damage. It also causes cells to grow too quickly, which makes conditions ripe for genetic changes and mistakes. Cancer can develop more easily in cells with damaged genetic material. It is important to remember that alcohol’s indirect release of toxins into the body is just one possible explanation for the correlation between chronic heavy alcohol use and the onset of certain types of cancer. Interventions for College Student Drinking The above mentioned evidences of the health effects of heavy alcohol consumption help to demonstrate the need for interventions to reduce risky drinking in a population which may be at risk. Expectancy challenge interventions. One method of intervening that has been found to be effective is expectancy challenge interventions, which attempted to challenge the efficacy of ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 19 alcohol in actually producing expected effects. In such interventions participants are not told the content of their drinks. Some are given alcohol while others are given a placebo. After the experiment is over they are asked to identify whether they had alcohol or not and incorrect identifications show individuals that their expectations for alcohol, such as that it increases sociability or reduces tension may not be attributable to the alcohol itself. A review of expectancy challenge interventions by Sheldon et al. (2012) found that compared with controls participants in expectancy challenge interventions consumed less alcohol, had fewer positive alcohol expectancies, and reduced their frequency of heavy drinking. An example of a successful expectancy challenge intervention was conducted by LauBarraco and Dunn (2008) who found that when undergraduates were asked to identify which students were consuming alcohol and which were not they often were mistaken in their identifications. Also the participants gave conflicting reasons for why they thought individuals had been drinking such as “he seemed mellow” and “he was talking a lot”. Social norms interventions. Many interventions done in the college setting have focused on providing students with accurate social norms relating to alcohol consumption. These interventions either inform participants about the number of drinks a typical student consumes in a typical night or the typical negative consequences which a student experiences. The aim of these interventions is to ground those students who consume in an unsafe manner with the information that they are in the minority rather than the majority. Hagman, Clifford, and Noel (2007) found that a didactic approach in relaying accurate alcohol consumption norms was effective in changing student perceptions of consumption 1 week after the intervention. The intervention consisted of an hour long computer based program called alcohol 101 which compared participants self reported consumption habits and ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 20 perceptions of peer habits with gender specific campus and national norms. The researchers did not examine whether the change in student perceptions led to change in behavior. A social norming intervention, which was found to reduce risky drinking habits in conjunction with changing misperceptions of peer consumption habits was conducted by Perkins and Craig (2006) which specifically targeted student athletes. The intervention consisted in social norms information being relayed to student athletes through a various number of mediums. These mediums included posters, weekly emails, newspaper advertisements and student athlete peer educators. The results of the study found that among student athletes who were exposed to the program misperceptions of the quantity of alcohol consumed by peers in social situations were reduced. Also, frequent consumption, high quantity consumption and negative alcohol related consequences were reduced among those student athletes exposed to the program. This program was successful in part because it targeted a specific group of students, student athletes. Social norming campaigns are often successful because they challenge an individual’s conception of their habits as normal. A productive way to do that is to target the individual with personalized feedback comparing their habits to the actual norms, as was done by Nieghbors, Lewis, Bergstrom and Larimer (2006). In this intervention students were able to compare their habits with perceived peer habits and actual peer habits. The intervention was targeted towards students who were heavy drinkers and was successful in reducing both the number of drinks a student had per week and negative consequences related to consumption. Lee, Geisner, Patrick and Neighbors (2010) investigated the extent to which misperceptions about the negative consequences could be corrected and what effect that correction could have on unsafe student consumption habits. They found that most students overestimated the number of negative consequences related to alcohol that a typical student ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 21 experiences and also that most students underestimated how negatively those students evaluated those negative consequences. Individual counseling and motivational interviewing. In typical counseling with adults who are experiencing problems with alcohol individuals are experiencing ambivalence between their desire to drink and their desire to avoid the negative consequences associated with drinking. However in the special population of college students, individuals often do not find their drinking problematic. Miller (1983) cited in Baer et al. (1994) argues that a confrontational intervention rarely produces a reduction in risk. “Persons who are told that they ‘have a problem’ are likely to become defensive and argue that it is not true” (Baer et al. 1994, p. 102). The answer is a client centered therapy developed by Miller (1983) called Motivational Interviewing. Motivational interviewing focuses on the notion that change should be elicited from within the client as opposed to forced upon them from the outside by the counselor (Rollnick & Allison 2004). A counselor who practices motivational interviewing will first attempt to use empathic listening to understand the client’s point of view. Then after a relationship is built between counselor and client the counselor attempts to explore the client’s values and goals and how they are related to his or her addictive problem. There are three concepts which Rollnick and Allison (2004) argue are vital to recognize in a client: readiness, ambivalence and resistance. Readiness is important for a counselor to notice because if the counselor is too eager to encourage change, it may further deter a client’s willingness to progress forward. Ambivalence, as discussed above, is a concept that is traditionally targeted in therapy, and is not experienced in the same way by college students as by individuals in typical substance abuse therapy. As most undergraduates enjoy drinking socially, they tend to have positive associations with the drug: ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 22 On a personal level, most college students do not see their drinking as a problem. To admit a problem with alcohol necessitates acknowledgment of lack of control (failure), and perhaps the acceptance of lifelong abstinence. College drinking occurs in social ‘party’ situations over short periods of time. Many students believe their college years are a time to be irresponsible and reckless, and that safer drinking will develop naturally. (Baer et al. 2004, p.84) Ambivalence in college students is complicated and may not be initially discernible for either the counselor or the client. It may be necessary for the counselor to guide the client in the development of discrepancies between personal values and their behavior. A third concept which is important to recognize in motivational interviewing is resistance. Rollnick and Allison (2004) define resistance as “a general reluctance to make progress or as opposition to the counselor or what the counselor thinks is best or as the clients expectations as to the posture of the agency the counselor represents” ( Rollnick and Allison, 2004, p. 109). Motivational interviewing as a concept has been slightly modified for interventions with college students. The most popular application of the motivational interviewing technique for undergraduate institutions is the BASICS program (Brief Alcohol Screening Intervention for College Students) developed by Dimeff et al. (1999). The following is a concise description of the program by Fachini et al. (2012) who conducted a review of the efficacy of BASICS programs across different undergraduate settings: BASICS is a specific protocol of BI (brief intervention) for college students delivered face-to-face and usually conducted over the course of two structured sessions, including motivational interview and personalized feedback based on student drinking behavior. It is especially relevant to encourage students to change their behavior by using empathy and warmth approach rather than confrontation. Moreover, clinicians can assist patients by helping them establish specific goals and build skills for modifying their drinking behavior. Fachini et al. (2012) found that in a review of 18 studies on the BASICS program, after a 12 month follow up period, those students who were exposed to the program showed, on average, a ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 23 significant reduction in both alcohol consumption and alcohol related problems. All of the studies were conducted at public universities and all of the 6233 students who participated in the studies were classified as at risk drinkers. Murphy et al. (2010) compared the efficacy of the BASICS program to two different didactically based computer programs in a single study of 74 heavy drinking undergraduates and found that the BASICS program was more efficacious in promoting motivation to change, self ideal and normative discrepancy. However there were no significant differences between the BASICS programs and the computer programs in drinking behavior at the one month follow up, both interventions showed equal reductions in drinking. Readiness to Change. Interventions which are informed by motivational interviewing such as the BASICS programs are successful because they take into account the wishes and sentiments of the individual. The stages of change model, promoted by Prochaska & DiClemente (1986) suggested that there were four stages which an individual moved through as he or she changed their behavior. The stages are as follows: pre-contemplation, contemplation, action and maintenance. This stage model was proposed to be valuable in assessing clients readiness to change their addictive behaviors such as alcohol use in brief interventions. The first scale which was created to measure the construct of Readiness to Change conceptualized by placement into one of the four stages was the URICA, the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment, originally developed for psychotherapy by Prochaska et al., (1988) and applied to the treatment of alcoholism first by Diclemente and Hughes (1990). In the current study readiness to change will be measured with a scale called the Readiness to Change Questionnaire developed by Rollnick et al. (1992) which is a 12 question assessment catered specifically to alcohol use, modeled after the original 32 question URICA. ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 24 The present study aims to see if information, specifically information regarding the accurate social norms and the health effects of alcohol consumption can have an impact on an individual’s readiness to change their drinking behavior. Conclusions and Hypothesis The current study hopes to encompass what is learned from theories of motivation, brain chemistry and interventions to create an intervention designed to reduce risky alcohol consumption with a balanced approach. It will be important to remember that students are unlikely to recognize their consumption as problematic, as they are influenced by a disease model of alcoholism, perceptions of the health effects of alcohol and the perceived social norms of its use. As learned from the success of motivational interviewing, motivation for change should be elicited from the individual and intervention information should be presented in a nonjudgmental and non-confrontational manner. Though correcting misperceptions about social norms has been found to be efficacious in reducing risky drinking in college students, little research has been done in investigating correcting misperceptions on the health consequences binge drinking. The current study sought to investigate the extent to which education of the harms of binge drinking will have an effect on college student’s drinking behavior. It will compare the impact of social norms information to that of information on alcohol’s negative effects on physical and mental health. Hypotheses 1 ) Both intervention groups (social norms and health effects) will show a decrease in scores on the pre-contemplative subscale of the and an increase in scores on the contemplative and action subscales Readiness to Change Questionnaire (Rollnick et al. 1992). 2) Data from the baseline assessment will show that students who more accurately perceive social drinking norms and health consequences will have more moderate drinking behavior. ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 25 Methods Participants 56 Connecticut College Students participated in at least the first part of the study. Thirty six of those 56 completed the follow up assessment, and had usable data. These 36 included 13 from the social norms condition, 13 from the physiological effects condition and 10 from the control condition, see procedure. Participants included 27 men, 28 women, and one individual who identified as transgender all over the age of 18. See table 1 for more information on ethnicity, class year and age of the participants. A table was set up by the researchers in the college library to recruit participants. Participants were given a baked good in return for their participation. It was advertised that credit would be available to students who were in enrolled in the Psychology 100 course and those students were given laboratory credit for the amount of time they participated instead of baked goods. Procedure Baseline assessment. Participants were informed that the study had two parts, the first would be the completion of a 20-30 minute paper and pencil questionnaire and carried out that day in the library and the second was a follow up assessment that could be filled out electronically and would be sent to their email in two weeks. Individuals who agreed to this format were asked to read and sign an informed consent form (see appendix A) and to write down their email address on a list of participant email addresses which was kept separate from any of their responses in the study. Participants were also asked to write their ID number on the packet of questionnaires which they received, so that their baseline assessment could be matched ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 26 Table 1 Demographics Percent Athletic Involvement: Athlete 57.1% Non-Athlete 42.9% Gender: Male 48.2% Female 50% Transgender 1.8% Ethnicity: Caucasian 71.4% Hispanic/Latino 10.7% Asian 8.9% African American 4.6% Other 3.1% Class year: Senior 33.9% Junior 16.9% Sophomore 16.9% Freshmen 26.8% Age: 21 and over 46.4% Under 21 53.6% ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 27 with their follow-up assessment and their confidentiality be protected. Participants were informed of the reasons why they were asked to write down their student ID numbers. Along with a space provided to for a student ID number the packet also included the Daily Drinking Questionnaire (DDQ; Collins et. al., 1985), (see appendix F), the Drinking Norms Rating Form (DNRF; Baer et al., 1991), (see appendix E), the Biological Consequences of Binge Drinking Scale (see appendix C), the Readiness to Change Questionnaire (Rollnick et al. 1992) (see appendix E) and a demographic questionnaire (see appendix F). These measures were the same for all participants but the next 3 to 5 pages of the packet varied depending on the group to which the participant was assigned. Grouping of Participants. Participants were assigned into three groups A, B or C. Packets were handed out in order by group. Group A (Social norms). Participants in this group were exposed to 3 pages and 241 words of information regarding the norms of college student alcohol consumption habits. Data from the American College Health Association’s National Collegiate Health Assessment (Spring 2012) and the Core Drug and Alcohol Survey (2012) were used. The data from the ACHA NCHA 2012 highlighted the differences between perceptions of alcohol use and actual reported use. An example of a point from the intervention is “The percentage of students who never drink alcohol: perceived: 3.1% actual: 21%”. These data points were also represented graphically. Data from the Core Alcohol and Drug survey had more of a focus on the norms of subjects associated with alcohol use. An example of a data point form the Core Alcohol and Drug survey which was exposed to participants is “34.8% of students reported some form of public misconduct (such as trouble with the police, fighting/argument, DWI/ DUI, vandalism) at least once in the past year ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 28 due to alcohol use”. The complete 3 pages of information exposed to participants in this group can be found in appendix H. Group B (Physiological effects). Participants in this group were exposed to three pages and 935 words of information regarding the effects of alcohol consumption on the brain and body. Sources that were used include information regarding alcohol’s effects on various neurotransmitter systems from the HAMS Harm Reduction network (2012), facts in reference to the development of the central nervous system in young adults from Breedlove, Watson and Rosenweig, (2010), three scientific studies which investigated the effects of binge drinking on young adult’s memory and executive functioning, and a final section from the USDA Dietary Guidelines 2005, Chapter 9 “Alcoholic beverages” which explained some of the risks and benefits associated with the consumption of alcohol for different age groups and frequencies of consumption. The full 3 pages of information can be seen in appendix I. Group C (Control group). Participants in this group were not exposed to any information regarding alcohol’s physiological effects or the norms of its use; they were exposed to a short story titled Two Times One, by Joan Walsh, which was three and a quarter pages and 1,558 words. Letter Writing Task. For all three groups, at the begging of the information packet there were instructions for the participant to “read the following information carefully because there will be instructions to perform a task once you are done reading”. The instructions which were given at the end of the social norms information packet to this group were: “INSTRUCTIONS: Please use the space below to write a paragraph to a friend who may be feeling pressure to binge drink and does not wish to. Cite some of the information above in attempt to support this individual who may be feeling that all college students binge drink”. In the physiological effects ALCOHOL PERCEPTIONS AND INTERVENTION 29 group the instructions at the end of the packet read similarly to the instructions given in the social norms group with the omission of the mention of a student who is feeling that all college students binge drink. In the control group the instructions simply asked the participants to write a brief summary of the story. Follow Up Assessment. The follow up assessment was sent to all the participants by email two weeks following the baseline assessment. Participants were reminded of the initial session that they had participated in and asked to click on a link which would bring them to the online survey. The medium which was used to collect the data online was The follow up assessment included the same Readiness to Change scale (RTC; Rollnick et. al. 1992) which was given in the baseline assessment. The assessment also included a version of the Daily Drinking Questionnaire (DDQ; Collins, Parks & Marlatt, 1985) which asked how many drinks they had consumed in each day of the last week. Other questions on the follow up included a multiple choice question on the percentage of college students who binge drink, and a question on the physiological effects of alcohol use. See appendix J for the full details on these
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تاریخ انتشار 2013